Appium – Mobile App Automation – Introduction

Appium ( is an open-source tool, used to automate mobile applications, IOS, Android and support windows and platforms like android, iOS, desktop, windows as well. It can be used to automate native, web and hybrid mobile applications. native- an application which is native to mobile OS like iOS or Android web - can run in mobile web browser hybrid- are native applications but still can be opened in a specific native container or browser. Appium uses selenium web driver library, and the client scripts can be written in multiple programming languages Java, python, C# ruby, PHP, JavaScript and robot framework. written in C# created in 2011 by Dan Cuellar under the name iOSAuto, 2012 made open source under Apache license. 2013- sauce labs agreed to support Appium development. Design of Appium: Appium uses selenium web driver script -> and using the web driver wire protocol (Json wire protocol) the client scripts are converted into http rest-based requests-> sends to Appium server-> Appium server runs the request-> and runs automation using the native automation framework on the mobile application in the mobile device. more info is int eh Appium documentation here Install Apium in Windows, option we are going tose eis from node.js Check in command line node --v to check for the version of the node js  



If not available, download the node.js from the official website, Download | Node.js (

now in command prompt type node -v or npm -v for checking on the versions of node and npm(node package manager)


The node and npm is installed successfully in the machine.

to see the location of the installed npm and node

npm where

node where 
install appium
npm install -g appium

To verify Appium installation
appium --version or appium -v

to start appium just type in the command prompt as appium

to stop ctrl+c and the appium server will shutdown

Install appium with appium desktop client based ont eh OS u are using select  the necessary package and install.
To start the server, click start

APPIUM Doctor -GitHub - appium/appium-doctor: Tool to verify appium installation
- is the next to be installed. npm install appium-doctor

to check if appium-doctor is installed, use appium-doctor --version

to check for android
appium-doctor --android